We all know about color picker which you also use in Photoshop and other photo editing tools for changing colors.Almost all the webmaster's and designer's use the Photoshop tool for editing the images and color to pick and edit.
If you had a problem with the tool and don't know how to use it please don't hesitate to ask me by your valuable comments. Have a nice day and blogging...!
These tool helps you to pick your favorite color and it's code,Every color has its own unique color and code to use.So,these makes webmasters and developers to choose color picker tool who often use in Photoshop.I found the similar tool which we use in Photoshop,So you don't need to go for the color code to pick in Photoshop always.
Instructions On How To Use The Tool :
- In the section Hue drag the black bar vertically to generate the suitable color to pick.
- The Swatch bar shows you the final color result that you had chosen in the tool.
- The main three color Red Green Blue (RGB) appears on the bottom center which is based on the color that you have choose.and to pick the color code go to the Hex box which is shown below in the tool.
- Choose the color you like until your satisfied with the color and pick the code from Hex box.
- Now,Drag the cursor in the tool from Brightness/Saturation section.Then choose your suitable color from the tool